
Photographer’s Profile

Robert Julian Agnel
Robert Julian Agnel

Ottawa, Ontario Canada

These panoramas will introduce you to the Ottawa Valley Ontario, Canada. My neighbourhood on our planet.

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wwp1224 | Best of 2024

Dr. James Naismith inventor of the game of basketball

Dr. James Naismith Square, 73 Mill Street Almonte, Ontario K0A 1A0 Canada

December 30, 2024

wr1224 | Wrinkle, December

The Rink of Dreams

Marion Dewar Plaza Ottawa City Hall, 110 Laurier Ave W, Ottawa, ON K1P 1J1

December 21 2024 @ 15:00 EST UTC/GMT -5 hours

wwp024 | 20 Years

The Famous Five: Woman are Persons

On the plaza beside the Senate of Canada

March 19, 2024 at 15:30 EDT UTC-4

wwp024 | 20 Years

Juts Prior to the 2024 eastern North American 2024 Total Eclipse


April 8 2024 at about 3 PM EST. GMT +4

wr924 | Wrinkle, September

Fishing on a Sunday afternoon

Galleta Ontario on the Mississippi River below the falls

September 22, 2024 13:30

wwp324 | Cities

Janus IV: Community Spirit

Prominade Queen Elizabeth Driveway, Ottawa, Ontario Canada

February 5, 2024

wr324 | Wrinkle, March

“Territorial Prerogative” The Bear on Sparks Street

Sparks Street at Metcalfe Street

March 19, 2024 about 16:15

wwp1223 | Best of 2023

My neighbourhood park in early January 2023

Trenton Ave. Ottawa Ontario

January 01, 2023 about 12:15 GMT-5

wwp923 | Favourite Place

My New Favourite Summer Place

NCC River House, 501 Sir George-Étienne Cartier Parkway, Ottawa, ON. K1M 2K7

04/09/2023 at 17:00 hours, 5:30 PM EST, GMT-5 Standard Time

wwp623 | Museum

The McDougall Mill Museum

Renfrew, Ontario Canada

June 10 2023

wwp323 | Tall

Morning Star "Look Up"

Canadian Museum of History Gatinéau Québec

5 Feb 2023 at 12:20 PM

wwp1222 | Best Of 2022

Mill of Kintail : The Robert Tait McKenzie and James Naismith Museum

2854 Ramsay Concession 8,
 Ramsay, ON

Oct 06 2022 at 11:00 AM EST -5 GMT

wwp922 | Climate Change

Food Production and Climate Change

Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa Canada

23-08-22 19:30 (7:30 EST) -4 gmt

wwp622 | Humanity

Humanity: National Holocaust Monument

1918 Chaudiere Crossing, Ottawa, Ontario Canada

15 June 2022 at 9:30 PM EST, GMT - 4

wwp322 | Shape

Demonstrations Used to Shape Public Health Policy

Ottawa, Canada

19/02/2022 11:45 AM EST UTC/GMT -5 hours

wwp1221 | Best Of 2021

National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, 30 September, aka Orange Shirt Day

Parliament HIll and Confederation Park, Ottawa, Ontario Canada

30 September 2021

wwp921 | Set

Fort Henry SET to defend Upper Canada 1837

1 Fort Henry Drive Kingston Ontario Canada

Septemeber 7, 2021 at 1:00 PM EST: current UTC/GMT-4 hours (GMT-5)

wwp621 | History (revisited)

Every Child Matters, 215 Shoes: history revisited

Parliament Hill, Ottawa Canada

17 June 2021 at 5:40 AM EST

wwp321 | Rise

RISING waters falling over Rideau Falls

Rideau Falls Park, Green Island facing the eastern falls Ottawa, Ontraio Canada

March 24, 2021 approx 14:00 (2:00PM) EST

wwp1220 | Best Of 2020


York Street and Sussex Drive in the By Ward Market, Ottawa, Ontario Canada

Dec 22 2020 at 7:15 am EST GMT-5

wwp620 | Confinement

Kitchissippi water flow restricted

Ottawa-Gatineau Canada

May 05 2020 at 14.30 GMT - 4:00

wwp320 | Change

Changes; weather, time and season at the Sugar Bush in March

Sugar Bush in Richelieu-Vanier Park, 320 des Pères-Blancs in the Vanier neighbourhood of Ottawa

March 21, 2020 12:00 UTC/GMT -4 hours daylight savigs

wwp1219 | Best Of 2019

The Watcher Best of 2019

Earl of March Secondary School, The Parkway, Kanata, Onatrio Canada

28-12-2019 about 4:45 PM EST UTC/GMT -5 hours

wwp919 | Continuity

If Rocks Could Talk, the Abbey Ruins Would Have a Story to Tell

Mackenzie King Estate, Gatineau Park, Chelsea Québec Canada

October 18 2019

wwp619 | Revival

Flora footbridge across the Rideau Canal

Fifth Ave and Clegg Street, Rideau Canal, Ottawa Ontario Canada

19 October 2019 16:30 cuurent UTC/GMT -4 hours, EST UTC/GMT -5 hours

wwp319 | Confusion

Reconciliation: The Peacekeeping Monument

Confederation Boulevard, Sussex Drive and St. Patrick Street, Ottawa Ontario Canada

March 15, 2018 about 14:00 EST

wwp1218 | Best Of 2018

Canadian Tulip Festival

Commissioners Park, Dows Lake, Ottawa Ontario Canada

May 11, 2018

wwp918 | Rain

standing in the rain on a farm in the middle of a million people making a panorama

Central Experimental Farm Ottawa Canada

October 22, 2019 at 14:45 daylight saving UTC/GMT -4 hours Eastern Standard Time UTC/GMT -5 hours

wwp618 | Summer/Winter

Autumn Afternoon on the Experiemntal Farm Pathway

Fisher Aveneue Ottawa, Ontario Canada

30-10-2019 / 14:45 Current GMT -4 hours Standard Time GMT -5 hours

wwp318 | Once Upon A Time

Once Upon a Ttime

Mooney's Bay Ottawa, Ontario Canada

24 October 2017 around 16:00 ET UTC/GMT -4 hours current, EST UTC/GMT -5 hours

wwp1217 | Best Of 2017

Mosaiculture Canada 150

Jacques Cartier Park, Gatineau Québec, Canada

September 12 at 12 noon EST

wwp917 | Wood

Wood Structures in the ‘New World’ 1639-1649

Sainte-Marie among the Hurons, Midland, Ontario Canada

August 5, 2017 at 3:50 PM EST 15:50

wwp617 | Glass

1084 Glass Panels

Ottawa, Ontario Canada

28-06-17 about 20:30 EST

wwp317 | Concrete

National Gallery of Canada

Ottawa, Ontario Canada

March 15, 2017 about 2 PM ET

wwp1216 | Best Of 2016

Confederation Park, Christmas lights

Ottawa Ontario Canada

December 21, 2016 at 7:00 PM EST

wwp916 | Numbers

1000's particiapate in YOGA on the Hill

Parliament Hill, Ottawa, Canada

12:10 PM EST 03 August 2016

wwp616 | Unique

Lover's Locks

Corktown Bridge, Ottawa, Ontario Canada

21-06-2016 about 7 AM EST

wwp316 | Travel

passerelle Adàwe crossing

Rideau River, Ottawa Ontario Canada

Sunday March 20, 2016 at 12 noon ET

wwp1215 | Best Of 2015

Skating on the World's Largest Natural Ice Rink

KM 0.0 Rideau Canal Skateway, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

12 February 2015 about 2:00 PM EST (14:00)

wwp915 | Peace

A Circle of All Nations: A Culture of Peace

Ottawa, Ontario Canada

20-09-2015 at 12:00 noon EST

wwp615 | New

"Remember Flanders" Lt. Col John McCrae

Green Island, Rideau River, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

16-06-2015 at 10:30 EST

wwp315 | Weather / Climate

Breaking Trail Through New Snow

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

14:00 hrs Feburary 22, 2015

wwp1214 | Best of 2014

Christmas Lights Confederation Square

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

30-12-2014 about 5:30 ET

wwp914 | Ruins

Play Structure, Constructed Ruins

Strathcona Park, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

6:30 PM EST September 21, 2014

wwp614 | Work

Parliament Hill Restoration

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

six -ten n the morning 21 June 2014

wwp314 | Decade

Woman are Persons the Famous Five Monument

East Lawn Parliament Hill, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

March 22 2014 at 14.25 PM

wwp1213 | Best of 2013

Sparks Street Mall Rib Fest

Sparks Street Mall Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

21-06-2013 about 4:30 PM ET

wwp913 | Mortality

Ottawa Women's Monument, Enclave

Minto Park, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

29 Sept 2013 around 6:00 PM

wwp613 | Machines

Water Powered Machines - Lift Locks

Ottawa Locks, Rideau Canal, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

18:30 EST 23/06/2013

wwp912 | Necessity

Storm Water Management Ponds

Kanata, Ontario, Canada

19/09/2012 @ 16:50 EST

wwp612 | Heritage

The Great Race

Kanata, Ontario, Canada

24/06/12 at 6 PM EST

wwp312 | Paths

Watts Creek Recreational Pathway

Kanata, Ontario, Canada

Friday, March 23, 2012, 18:30 (EST)

wwp1211 | Best Of 2011

Morning Sun

Britannia Conservation Area, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

September 21, 2011, 10:30 am

wwp911 | History

"They know no season but the end of time."

National Military Cemetery, Ottawa, Canada

September 17, 2011, 5:46 pm EST (17:46)

wwp611 | Family

Where Families Meet

Ottawa, Ontario Canada

Saturday, June 25, 2011, about 8:30 pm EST

wwp311 | Limits

Limits of Mother Nature

Community Park, Ottawa, Canada

March 27, 2011, 7:15 pm EST

wwp1210 | Best Of 2010

Funeral for a Forest

South March Highlands, Kanata, Ontario, Canada

August 24, 2010, 14:00 HRS

wwp910 | Crossroads

Oscar's Corner

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

September 26, 2010, 11:30 am EST

wwp610 | Forgotten Places

Forgotten Farm

The Greenbelt Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

June 25, 2010, about 2:00 pm EST (14:00)

wwp310 | Food

The Chip Wagon

Corner of Slater and Kent Streets, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

March 18, 2010, 12:00 noon

wwp1209 | Best Of 2009

Alight at Night, Upper Canada Village

Morrisburg, Ontario, Canada

December 23, 2009, 18:30 (6:30 pm) ET

wwp309 | Diversity

Rural Diversity in an Urban Landscape

Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa, Canada

March 19, 2009, approximately 10:00 am ET, GMT-4.00

wwp1208 | Best Of 2008

Déja Vu Photography’s Relationship to the Passage of Time

Blink Gallery, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

October 1, 2008, 8:00 pm ET 20:00 hours

wwp908 | Color

Colour used to Camouflage Aircraft and for Squadron Markings

Vintage Wings of Canada, Gatineau, Québec, Canada

2:00 PM Eastern September 20, 2008

wwp608 | Elevation

National Aboriginal Day in Canada

Victoria Island, Ottawa River, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

3 PM 21 June 2008

wwp308 | Beginnings

Beginnings of the National Hockey League

Renfrew, Ontario, Canada

Sunday March 23, 2008 at 12:30 PM ET

wwp108 | Wrinkle Tribute

Iron Mask - Winter Solstice 2007

Earl of March Secondary School, Kanata, Ontario, Canada

December 22, 2007 at 1:08 PM ET

wwp1207 | Best of 2007

The Mill Pond - Upper Canada Village

Upper Canada Village, Morrisburg, Ontario, Canada

June 21, 2007 at 1:00 PM ET

wwp907 | Sustenance

Central Experimental Farm

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

September 19, 2007 at 16:00 ET

wwp607 | Community

Upper Canada Village an 1860's Community

Morrisburg, Ontario, Canada

June 20, 2007 around 12:00 noon

wwp307 | Atmosphere

Atmosphere of Fear: The Cold War Started Here

511 Somerset Street West, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

March 21, 2007 at 11:30 AM

wwp1206 | Best of 2006

Peace on Earth and Goodwill to All

Christmas lights Majors Hill Park, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

December 26, 2006 at 4:30 PM 16:30 ET

wwp606 | Gardens

Rose Garden: Canadian Museum of Civilization

City of Gatineau, Province of Québec, Canada

18:00 hours 6 pm Eastern June 24, 2006

wwp306 | Borders

A Time Before Borders

Victoria Memorial Museum, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

March 21, 2006 at 11 AM

wwp1205 | Best of 2005

Swinging Bridge over the Bonnechere River

Renfrew, Ontario, Canada

December 20, 2005 at 1:30 PM (13:30 hrs)

wwp905 | Energy

Terry Fox 'Energy of the human spirit'

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

September 23, 2005 EST 13:50

wwp605 | Water

Ottawa River "Kichesippi" - The Great River

Upstream from the Chaudière Falls, Ottawa River, Canada

June 20, 2005 13:00 hours (1.00 PM)

wwp305 | Marketplace

Ottawa Valley Farm Show

Lansdowne Park, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

1:00 PM (13:00) March 17, 2005 UTC/GMT -5 hours

wwp1204 | Sanctuary

Family and Friends, My Sanctuary

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

16:15 (4:15 ET) December 18, 2004

wwp904 | Bridges

Five Span Stone Bridge

Mississippi Mills, Lanark County, Ontario, Canada

11:30 AM ET 22/09/04

wwp604 | World Heritage

Ottawa Locks, Rideau Canal, Lock # 3

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

8:10 pm EST (20:10)

wwp304 | The Original WWP

Woman are Persons a Memorial to the 'Famous Five'

East Lawn on Parliament Hill, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

6:15 pm EST (18:15)

PLEASE RESPECT THE ARTIST’S WORK. All images are copyright by the individual photographers, unless stated otherwise. Use in any way other than viewing on this web site is prohibited unless permission is obtained from the individual photographer. If you're interested in using a panorama, be it for non-profit or commercial purposes, please contact the individual photographer. The WWP can neither negotiate for, nor speak on behalf of its participants. The overall site is copyright by the World Wide Panorama Foundation, a California Public Benefit Corporation. Webdesign © by Martin Geier www.geiervisuell.com