© 2007 Iñaki Rezola, All Rights Reserved.
Common ties fasten it all together
They fasten us all together
Making us all ONE
On Planet Earth
All a part of a Global Community
Even if we are apart
'Imagine all the people...'
Sure you know the rest
Lat: 43° 18' 28" N
Long: 2° 59' 30" W
Elevation: -6371
Precision is: Medium. Nearby, but not to the last decimal.
Lazos que nos atan a todos
Unos con otros
Sobre el planeta Tierra
Formamos parte de una comunidad global
Aunque sigamos enfrentados
'Imagine all the people...'
Seguro que sabes cómo sigue...
Danok lotzen gaituztenak
Lur planetarekin bat eginez
Komunitate bakar baten partaideak gara
Oraindik banaturik bagaude ere
'Imagine all the people...'
Baietz dakizula abestiak nola jarraitzen duen...
I just borrowed the NASA's World Map and embedded two layers into it: the simple and clear dodecahedron -not all that evident in the pano- and the more complex and coloured linear mesh.
Then I set some tricky parameters for the movie in order to make it turn wild. Try it as you zoom in, you'll see real chaos rocking.