This pano is part of a project in progress called Matrix 2012 to make a movie of a vision that came to me this year. On May 26 I started studying concentric breathing. I journaled, "Coming together, can see a mandala of repeated constellations around the edge of a consciousness symbol. Breathe into the center of the people. Breathe out to the periphery beyond the stars. So it became just a closing in and then out."
On May 31 I wrote, "...breathe in Wholeo symbol goes out to the concentric circles, gathering and morphs to circle at the outer edge. Breathing out comes to the center, cutting through the debris bands, which sort of seem like the galaxy spirits, thoughts, and biological information."
On June 4 I wrote, mixing breath visualizations, "Breathe in to people and stars, four-pronged all at once, the resources. Breathe out to concentric/radial DNA building." The four-pronged, all-at-once breathing could mean the Butterfly or Wholeo symbol.
For details see the links below. The project should be complete or have reached a plateau by December 21, 2012.
Matrix 2012 Journal Excerpts
Matrix 2012
Wholeo symbol
Butterfly breathing in Brain Constellations
Artistica / Panoramic Paintings
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