Simms Corner is located in Saint John West where Main St. W meets Lancaster Ave and they cross where Fairville Blvd. meets Bridge Road. It is famously known in West Saint John as a bad intersection.
There are no traffic lights and my first time back to New Brunswick in 20 years I found no lines on the road after a winter of snow and snow removal. These lines and a knowledge that some of the other lanes don't have stop signs are the only indication you are to stop.
The city has planned work to revamp the intersection and make it more pedestrian friendly, but the only thing I noticed was some freshly painted lines.
I like the idea of turning it into a roundabout but it looks unlikely.
USA-Canada / Canada-New Brunswick
Lat: 45° 15' 22.99" N
Long: 67° 6' 32.13" W
Precision is: High. Pinpoints the exact spot.
Nodal Ninja, shot 20 around used 10, + 1 up & + 1 down br] PTGui 9.0b3, PhotoShop CS5