© 2006 Colin Mackenzie, All Rights Reserved.
The usual subjects of roads, trucks, buses and boats I thought would all be well covered.
So in thinking about transportation it seems that we spend an inordinate time waiting for transport to get somewhere. This especially true at airports these days. I didn't have access to an airport up in the Sierras so I decided to picture piles of logs awaiting transport.
Not very exciting but I did want to participate.
So there you have it. It was such a passive scene that I felt I should have some indication as to how the trees got there so I use the unattractive noise of the chainsaw hoping that people will know how to turn it off after a couple of seconds.
Lat: 37° 5' 20" N
Long: 120° 31' 10" W
Elevation: 5,800 feet
Precision is: Unknown / Undeclared.
Six pictures around stitched with Realviz Stitcher Unlimited.