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(April 1 – June 30, 2024)

Jim Cole

Independence Amphitheater

Cibula Vincent

Parking evolution

Banská Bystrica, Slovac republic


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Existuje rastúci počet riešení problémov parkovania osobných automobilov v mestách. Zaujalo ma množstvo dopravných parkovacích značiek inštalovaných na tejto panoráme. Zdá sa, že vývoj v tomto smere je zatiaľ len v slepej uličke.

Translation by DeepL: There are a growing number of solutions to the problem of car parking in cities. I was intrigued by the number of traffic parking signs installed on this skyline. Development in this direction seems to be at a standstill for the time being.


Canon 5D mark IV, EF8-15mm objektív rybieho oka Pri 12 mm, 4 x portrét. Manfrotto190 PRO statív, PanoMax Panohead.

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