© Vincent Cibuľa, All Rights Reserved.
History (revisited).
I probably didn't understand the topic of "Revisited History", or I couldn't think of anything better on this topic, so I took a panorama shot on 20.06.2010 and published on WWP under the theme "Forgotten places" and combined it with a panorama shot at the same place on 29.06.2021 on which you can see a neglected and abandoned summer cinema with 10 years ago and the current with renewed operation.
History (revisited).
Asi som nepochopil tému “Revisited History”, alebo som na túto tému nevedel nič lepšie vymyslieť, preto som zobral panorámu nasnímanú dňa 20.06.2010 a publokovanú na WWP pod temou “Forgotten Places” a spojil s panorámou nasnímanej na tom istom mieste dňa 29.06.2021 na ktorej vidieť zanedbané a opustené letné kino s pred 10. rokov a súčasné s obnovenou prevádzkou.
Lat: 48° 44' 26.914" N
Long: 19° 8' 15.839" E
Precision is: High. Pinpoints the exact spot.
Caonon R5, EF8-15mm fisheye lens At 12mm, 4 x portrait shot. Manfrotto190 PRO Tripod, R10 Panohead, PTGui, Photoshop.