© 2021 Jim Cole, All Rights Reserved.
This is a popular viewpoint in the Willamette Valley; it even has its own Facebook page. The valley itself is generally flat, but a number of features rise from the valley floor to provide places like this. These features were likely formed when lava rose to the surface as part of ancient volcanic eruptions. These small hills are also popular places for antennas, that can be seen in this picture rising into the sky.
Unfortunately, not everything is trending up here. When we first discovered this place, it was in much better shape. Over time, the popularity has resulted in the growing graffiti and garbage. So there is decline in the middle of this picture of rising.
Nevertheless, the view from this location can be spectacular when the air is clear. Although that wasn’t case this time, the haze does allow one to see the distances involved looking over the valley.
Lat: 44° 26' 9.535" N
Long: 123° 60' 9.125" W
Precision is: High. Pinpoints the exact spot.
Nikon D300, Nikkor 10.5mm fisheye, Nodal Ninja 5, PTGui, Photoshop