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The rise of the lift is provided by this modernized (electromechanical) device in a ten-storey apartment panel house from 1965. The original device was significantly larger and occupied the entire room. This represents a general rise and advancement in technology.
Stúpanie výťahu zaisťuje toto modernizované (elektromechanické) zariadenie v deasťposchodovom bytovom panelovom dome z roku 1965. Pôvodné zariadenie bolo podstatne väčšie a zaberalo celú miestnosť. To ukazuje všeobecný vzostup a pokrok v technike.
Lat: 48° 43' 23.989" N
Long: 19° 7' 13.577" E
Precision is: High. Pinpoints the exact spot.
Caonon 5D mark IV, EF8-15mm fisheye lens At 12mm, 4 x portrait shot. Manfrotto190 PRO Tripod, R10 Panohead, PTGui, Photoshop, Rune Spaanse,