© 2020 Keith Martin, All Rights Reserved.
Changing technology from an Apple //e to VR headsets, all in one compact study
Nikon D850, 10.5mm fisheye (shaved), 360Precision Atome panorama head
Packed into this room is a surprisingly large number of different computers from different eras. There's an Apple //e and an Apple IIc, a Macintosh Plus, SE, a Blue & White G3, several Newtons (including a wooden model from an Apple promo event) and an eMate, a Pismo PowerBook, a G4 Cube, a 2009 iMac, and a couple of MacBook Pros from 2013 and 2019.
On the 360 VR front there are pano heads and devices from almost two decades, from a Kaidan QuickPan Pro head (the 'boat anchor') from 2003 to a Nodal Ninja Mecha E1 robotic rotator from 2019, plus QuickTime CDs from the 1990s with Apple's first QTVR examples.
There's also a Sinclair Spectrum and an Agenda PDA, a few smart watches from a magazine feature just before Apple launched its genre-changing Apple Watch, and a Gear VR and an Oculus Go VR headsets. Apart from the Mac Plus which is just a shell, everything works – although to be honest most of the cables are packed away and those early smart watches are more than a bit flakey.
There's an almost tangible sense of evolution, of change, encapsulated here.
I shot five bracketed frames for each position, two stops apart, and tone mapped these in Photomatix Pro. The results were stitched in PTGui Pro.