Naval Air Station Glenview Museum: Recently a fan donated almost 5,000 scale model aircraft to this non-profit agency. The Museum is displaying them for a short time, but since it's a small facility there's not much room. I shot several panos to capture the exhibit.
From their website:
"Commemorate the Historical Contribution and Mission of the Men and Women who served at Naval Air Station Glenview
Glenview Hangar One Foundation was formed to insure that a permanent memorial was created to recognize the contributions of veterans of Naval Air Station Glenview who served, or supported its operations, here and its subordinate locations Wolverine and Sable. The Glenview Hangar One Foundation considers it our duty to discharge this mission because freedom for Americans is secured at a price the time and lives of the men and women of the armed forces of the United States of America who fight, and sometimes die, so that Americans can live free and pursue their inalienable right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness."