© 2006 Aleksandar Janicijevic, All Rights Reserved.
All over Toronto, and for that matter, in most North American cities, you can find examples like this one. It is a terrible consequence of the zoning system still in use instead of the proper urbanistic principles of city planning. It is really hard to fix problems like this one, but I think that awareness is very important in order to avoid this and similar situations. Sociability is probably the most important attribute of urban life and if we want to keep cities alive, every effort to make them joyful and meaningful and contribute to the connectivity and identity of the neighborhoods, is essential in the development of community, culture and democracy.
I u drugim delovima Toronta, a uostalom i u drugim gradovima sirom Severne Amerike, mogu se naci slicni primeri. Sve je to posledica uzasnog "zoning" sistema koji je jos uvek u upotrebi umesto istinskog urbanistickog pristupa urbanom planiranju. Jako je tesko resiti probleme kao sto je ovaj ali mislim da je vrlo vazno naglasiti stepen njegovog znacaja u cilju izbegavanja slicnih stvari u buducnosti. Drustvenost je jedan od glavnih atributa urbanog zivota i ako zelimo da odrzimo gradove u zivotu, svaki napor da se oni razviju u sredine koje imaju smisla i doprinos povezivanju susetstava i povecavanje njihovog indetiteta, je od kljucnog znacaja u razvoju drustvene, kulturne i demokratske sredine.