Banská Štiavnica Kalvária is a unique architectural ensemble. It is a baroque calvary with a complex of 25 chapels. These objects of chapels and churches were built around 1744 on the hillside of an extinct volcano - the original name of the hill was Scharffenberg (Ostrý vrch). An enormous effort has been made to rescue this calvary within the EU. Banská Štiavnica Calvary Complex – the most beautiful and indeed most important Baroque monument in Slovakia. Represents a unique architectural and landscape complex as regards both its extent and content. In 2007 an initiative was formed consisting of professionals in the field and the site owners that started working systematically on its preservation and have elaborated a complex project of its preservation and future utilisation. more info:
Banskoštiavnická Kalvária predstavuje unikátny architektúrny celok. Je barokovou kalváriou s komplexom 25-tich kaplniek. Tieto objekty kaplniek a kostolov boli okolo roku 1744 vybudované na svahu kopca vyhasnutej sopky – pôvodný názov kopca bol Scharffenberg (Ostrý vrch). Je vyvinuté ohromné úsilie na záchranu tejto kalvárie v rámci EÚ.