© 2011 Tom! Striewisch, All Rights Reserved.
10 seconds after this panorama was taken, the pole I used for it collapsed by accident. That nearly cost me the front part of my right forefinger and damaged the pole more or less completely.
So be careful: taking panoramas could be dangerous for you and your equipment.
10 Minutes after these pictures were taken the camera fell to the ground and damaged the lens. Although it was only a short flight of 30cms, the AF was broken. For the last five months, until today, Tokina Europe wasn't able to repair the fisheye, the parts needed for this are not available (due to the Japanese earthquake/tsunami?).
(For the German speaking: so at first I had no luck and then I got misfortune too. ;-) )
Tokina 10-17mm at 12mm (shaved)
Special Ring Adapter
SuperRune filters