© 2008 James Gentles, All Rights Reserved.
But the talking point of the week had to be the night it snowed, lots! Look carefully and you can still see the remnants on the roofs, streets and beach.
Lat: 50° 24' 31.1" N
Long: 1° 33' 37.7" E
Elevation: ~300ft
Precision is: Unknown / Undeclared.
This technique produces two hemispheres, and a different workflow in PTGui from the classic ground pano technique. This results in lower resolution BUT impossible angles!
See the rig at http://www.gentles.info/KAP/Rigs/index.htm?item=7 how Kite Aerial Photography is achieved at http://www.gentles.info/KAP/Overview/index.htm and the workflow at http://www.gentles.info/KAP/Gallery/Panotechnique/index.htm
The NADIR hemisphere is taken from the kite offering the view looking down on the schene. The ZENITH hemisphere is taken from the ground, in this case it was taken about 40minutes later, from amongst the "line laundry" of tubes and crabs.
So, I've pushed reality a little but I hope you like the effect!