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(July 1 – September 30, 2017)

Jim Cole

Peavy Arboretum

Boštjan Burger

The Psnak sawmill and mill

Radovna River, Triglav National Park, Slovenia

July 17th, 2017 CEST

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© 2017 Boštjan Burger, All Rights Reserved.

The Psnak sawmill and mill.

Since the water power of the upper Radovna River is rather modest, the Psnak mill and saw mill operated only periodically – in Maj and June when the snow on the mountain slopes began to melt , and in September and October during the rain in the fall season. And ever then the same water power was used very economically to turn both wheels.

The mill had only one “black stone” for grinding rye, oats, barley and buckwheat, the type of cereals which grew in the few modest fields in this narrow valley. The Venetian saw used one or most two saw blades, depending on the quantity of water. Sawing along a four-metre spruce with single blade took approximately twenty minutes for the one cut, which means that up to 1 cubic meter of wooden boards could be sawn in a daily shift. The mill and the sawmill operated simultaneously so that from time to time while wood was being cut, the worker would also do the necessary work in the mill. The mill and the sawmill served the Psnak family until the 1970-s- In 1997, however, the owner renovated both objects to preserve evidence of the knowledge and work of the local inhabitants, as well as of their remarkable flexibility, which allowed them to make the most of the area's natural resources and preserve the beauty of the nature.

Europe / Slovenia

Lat: 46° 25' 47.54" N
Long: 13° 57' 52.6" E

Elevation: 660 m

→ maps.google.com [EXT]

Precision is: Medium. Nearby, but not to the last decimal.

Canon 5D , 360 Precision , Velbon 640
Slovensko besedilo
Psnakova žaga venecijanka in mlin sta tu, v zgornjem toku reke Radovne obratovala le sezonsko. Ker vode sicer ni bilo v izobilju so ju zagnali le v času spomladanskega taljenja snega (maj, junij) ter v času jesenskega deževja (september, oktober). Vodo so tudi tedaj izrabljali izredno skrbno, saj je ista voda najprej poganjala vodno kolo mlina in nato še vodno kolo žage. V mlinu je bil le en 'črn kamen', namenjen mletju žitaric, ki so uspevale na skromnih njivah v dolini (rž, oves, ječmen, ajda). Žaga je imela en, največ dva žagna lista, kar je bilo odvisno od moči oziroma količine vode. En rez smrekovega hloda dolžine šest metrov je trajal približno dvajset minut in na dan so lahko razžagali do en kubični meter lesa. Žaga in mlin sta delovalasočasno, tako da je delavec v času razrezalesa na žagi opravljal še vse potrebno delo v mlinu.

Mlin in žaga sta obratovala do sedemdesetih let preteklega stoletja, leta 1997 pa so ju Psnakovi obnovili. S tem so ohranili dokaz o nekdanjem načinu dela, znanju ter iznjdljivosti ljudi, ki so naravne danosti znali uporabiti sebi v prid, hkrati pa ohranili lepoto narave. Vir besedila: informacijska tabla občine Kranjske Gore in Triglavskega narodnega parka, postavljena ob cesti pri Psnakovi žagi.

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