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(July–September 2015)

Michele Zanin

Jewellery for Peace

Museo del Gioiello, Vicenza, Italy

September 4th 2015

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© 2015 Michele Zanin, Some Rights Reserved. Creative Commons License

Jewellery for Peace Exhibition (Gioielli per la pace) from 5th september 2015 to 7th january 2016 Museo del Gioiello - Vicenza - Italy

Peace has been sung, invoked, defended or rewarded by such as John Lennon, Mahatma Gandhi, Albert Schweitzer and Alfred Nobel in many areas and disciplines, except in jewellery. Jewels have always deliberately been kept away from any ideological or political involvement, perhaps in order to avoid besmirching their precious allure with everyday life. This volume presents peace as interpreted by young international designers, who here invest their jewels with a social and educational function.

Exhibition curated by Alba Cappellieri and Livia Tenuta - Organised by Fiera di Vicenza http://en.museodelgioiello.it/main/mostre-temporanee
Canon EOS 7D - Sigma 8mm f/3.5 - Manfrotto 190B - 360Precision Atome Head - PTGui Pro

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