© 2009 Michael Hundrieser, All Rights Reserved.
These machines are in extremly good condition, lovely rebuild and are a kind of art for themselves. "Lanz Bulldog" is a well known type in Germany, a real workhorse for the farmers. They had special "Tractor Drivers" in the past. Their job was only driving the tractor and keeping the machine in a good working condition.
I asked for a perfomance of this "Lanz Bulldog" and the owner started the engine just for me.
Running through the whole sequence:
- searching for the lamp (hidden somewhere in the cabine)
- starting the lamp (pumping petrol and gasifying it)
- starting the lamp (pumping petrol and gasifying it)
- preheating the cyclinder with the lamp
- starting the engine with a manual handle
Great sound (caught with a Zoom H2) .......
When you see how much work it is starting this engine, then you can imagine that it was running the whole day contouosly without a stop.
I think it´s a very special kind of "Performing Art."
Tokina ATX 107 @12mm
Monopod shot
Sound : Zoom H2