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(September 19-23, 2007)

Larry Cassis

A Backyard Vegetable Garden in Penobscot Maine

Ricardo Cambón

Mussel of Galicia

Pontevedra, Galicia, Spain


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© 2007 Ricardo Cambón, All Rights Reserved.

El método tradicional de producción de mejillón en Galicia es el cultivo en batea. Este sistema es el de mejor rendimiento de los conocidos, en Galicia produce mas de la mitad de la producción mundial por cultivos de este molusco. En este sistema, la simiente del mejillón se coloca sobre cuerdas que cuelgan de unas plataformas flotantes o bateas situadas en el interior de las rías, donde permanecerán completamente sumergidas hasta conseguir su peso comercial. La batea está formada por una serie de flotadores que soportan una serie de listones de madera de forma rectangular, con una superficie no superior a los 500 m2. Las cuerdas utilizadas para el cultivo suelen medir de 19 a 12 m. El alimento de este molusco filtrador será toda la materia orgánica particulada. Cuando el peso de la cuerda es de aproximadamente 100 Kg. se hace un desdoble, es decir, se reparte la carga en dos o tres nuevas cuerdas de unos 30 Kg., esto es un segundo encordado.

The traditional method of cultivating mussels in Galicia is by using a system called “Batea”, this method is known to be one of the best as it gives a higher yield of live mussels. Galicia in Spain produces about half of the entire production of mussels around the world. The “Batea” method is a rectangular floating platform which has a maximum surface area of 500m2 is made out of eucalyptus beam fastened on top of 4 or 6 barrels or floaters anchored to the sea bed. On this platform hanging down into the water there are a maximum of 500 ropes measuring no more than 12 metres long. The eggs of the mussel are placed on this ropes which will remain totally submerged until the growing mussels attain their commercial weight. Once the weight of the rope reaches about 100kg, this weight is then divided into other 3 ropes of about 30kg each. Both marine and freshwater mussels are filter feeders that feed on plankton and other microscopic sea creatures. They do so by drawing water in through their incurrent siphon. The water is then brought into the branchial chamber by the actions of the cilia located on the gills for cilliary-mucus feeding. The wastewater exits out through the excurrent siphon. The labial palps finally funnel the food into the mouth where digestion can continue.
Fotos de Galicia: http://www.galicia360.com Música: http://www.grupoaroda.com Traducción: Rodrigo Alarcon http://www.360panoview.co.uk

Empresa: http://www.fotopanorama.com

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