© 2005 Luca N Vascon, All Rights Reserved.
I was looking around in experimenting new ways of panorama taking.
I was projecting. Project is something giving me ENERGY
I had the venture to meet this man...
Romano Zen is one of the world's most famous optical technicians, telescope builders, dome planetarium builder.
So here you are in the ZenOptics warehouse, gathering energy from all the lantanium precious virgin optical glass, telescope mirrors and tools... :-)
Romano is a wonderful person, he moves continuously from here to there, from a telescope to a planetarium.
The yellow light above is a sodium light that he use as interferometer to check planearity of glasses.
He shines when I talk to him about panoptical cameras and tools.
Now he is involved in very strange things, due to two crazy guys, Milko Amorth and me.
Lat: 45° 26' 17.88" N
Long: 12° 19' 51.6" E
Elevation: 0
Precision is: Unknown / Undeclared.