© 2005 Bill Ward, All Rights Reserved.
This steam train engine is being operated in Scotland by the Ayrshire Railway Preservation Group, in Dunaskin Heritage Centre at Waterside. Maintained by unpaid enthusiasts they provide members of the public with a first hand glimpse of what was, in its day, hi-tech. It's smokey, hot, and noisey. Bits of tiny ash occasionally flutter in the air, and the smell is distinctly pleasant and slightly acrid. Pleasant, that is, in the present day, gloriously clean Ayrshire countryside. The site they operate on is surrounded by grass, sheep and cows...in a derelict and long abandonned iron foundry with two massive foundry chimneys. A site in its day which would have been filthy and dangerous, producing wealth for its owners and the surrounding workers. None of that remains at all, the energy has flowed on...