Katowice is a capital of the Silesian Province. In the past Silesia used to be mostly an industrial area with view of mine wells and chimney works. Lately, the coal out put was significantly reduced due to use up of the coal-beds and high maintenance costs. At the present day Silesia is changing not only because of the heavy industry reduction but also because of the changes after 1989 year and the fall of communism in Poland. But before it could happened Poland took a long way from the country ruled by the only right and acceptable communistic party by year 1980 and the sunrise of "Solidarnosc!", by setting Marshal Law in 1981 and a few years of stagnation during which many people fighting for freedom had to hide themselves. And just this place, Silesia, is indirectly connected with the day of December 13th, 1981 - the beginning of the Marshal Law. One of the hot-spot is showing mine Wujek where during the pacification of the token strike miners had to face off the police and army troops. 9 miners were killed. It was one of the most tragic incident in Poland after the Second World War.
For the today's people especially young adults this is already the history. Nowadays Katowice and the rest of Province are intensely developing. Here cross the main roads in Poland. One of them is the Highway to Krakow and Wroclaw passing just beneath our bridge. Beskidy Mountains, Krakowsko-Czestochowska Plateau, nature reserves and scenic parks present the huge tourism potential of this region. Some more details: Surface - 12 000 square meters; Areal Density - 398 inhabitants per square kilometers; Cities - 68; Firms - 323 000