The Zeeland Bridge is the longest bridge in the Netherlands. Although the Dutch are known for their dikes, that can be seen on this pano as well, they can build bridges as well. It connects the peninsula Schouwen-Duivenland and the island Noord-Beveland across the Oosterschelde. Its not a part of the Delta works. It measures almost 5 kilometres and consists of 52 parts of 95 meters that are resting on 54 pillars and there is a movable part of 40 meters. It was build from 1963 to 1965 and was a toll bridge till 1963 to pay for the expenses. That was for the Dutch that people had to pay for a part of a road in the Netherlands as all roads were toll free till that time.
Nowadays its as well an interesting place to dive as the pillars are grown with abundant sea flora that attracts all kinds of fish, crustaceans and other sealive as its more then 20 meters deep.