The Stuttgart Railway Station, built by Paul Bonatz in the years 1914 to 1928, was declared a cultural monument because of its unique architecural design. Although there were years of civil protest, unparalleled in german history, the privatised German Railway company insists on plans of building a new railway station by demolishing the north and south wing of the historic building. Now, 96 years after finishing the impressive south wing of the railway station, the 200 meter (650 foot) long complex has been torn down. During the demolition, an excavator hit a pillar and the roof above platform 16 nearly collapsed – what you can still see in the picture, because the camera was positioned exactly at a 90 degrees angle to the bend in the construction.
(quote Wikipedia: "Paul Bonatz (6 December 1877 – 20 December 1956) was a German architect, member of the Stuttgart School and professor at the technical university in that city during part of World War II and from 1954 until his death.")