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Letne kino
Abandoned spaces, the summer theater in Banska Bystrica. How many such in the world? Current sexagenarian and septuagenarian here experienced the beauty moment at a time, when television and video were not dominated for the world, and when still reigned a panoramic movie screen. May someone yet ever resurrect the former glory of the natural movie?
Zabudnute miesto, letne kino v Banskej Bystrici. Kolko ich je po svete? Sucasni sestdesiatnici a sedemdesiatnici tu zazivali krasne chvile v dobach, ked este televizia a video nedobili cely svet, a kedy este kralovalo panoramaticke filmove platno. Vzkriesi este niekto niekedy niekdajsiu slavu prirodneho kina?