© 2010 Chas Adlard, All Rights Reserved.
The Old Adelaide Gaol was opened in 1841 and the last prisoners were moved out in 1988.
Faceless now, the former residents are now either well dead or long gone on that dubious road ahead. Some moved on to finish their lives far from this hardly forgotten place.
Some have no doubt found themselves secured in similar premises, inmates once more - while those ‘gone straight’ fight against the injustice of the just, the rules and regulations of everyday living burdened with levies and taxes.
The others, those who did not leave, who succumbed to the hangman’s noose, lie buried and forgotten within the perimeter walls of the Old Adelaide Gaol.
Sound by 7by7
Australia - New Zealand / Australia
Lat: 35° 56' 36" S
Long: 138° 35' 57" E
Precision is: Low. Intentionally hazy, due to privacy concerns.