© 2009 Norman Shapiro, All Rights Reserved.
After several days of thought I settled on sundials as a possibility. A Google search brought up a short list of sundials on Oahu with two possibilities. One was a 28 foot horizontal sundial I could stand on, but unfortunately it is only open weekdays and weekends are better for me.
The second one’s description intrigued me:
“An elegant vertical declining and reclining dial built on the sloping face of a large lava boulder. Total size of the dial is 4 1/2 x 6 feet and uses a half-inch thick copper gnomon 6 x 10 inches. Hour lines and numerals at 9, 12, and 3 are of brass. The dial is corrected for longitude and was designed to fit its deep valley location and orientation of the boulder. Tradition holds that these rocks have spirits and must be treated with respect.”
The sundial location is in the hills and on Saturday it was mostly cloudy up there with brief moments of sunshine, but none of them long enough to do a pano. But a check during a moment of sunlight showed the sundial and my watch to be in synch.
No one was home when I was there and my e-mail to the creator has been unanswered so I have no other information on this remarkable sundial.
Lat: 21° 18' 31.54" N
Long: 158° 43' 34.1" W
Elevation: 91 meters
Precision is: Unknown / Undeclared.