Rock climbers don´t climb just to arrive somewhere. We choose the route according to many factors: difficulty, view of sight, if it´s a new or a classic route, if we are daring or conservative on the day, etc. . We have a quasi-taoist approach to the climbing; we care more for which way we go than where it will lead us. In other words, we elevate ourselves when climbing, not only on the literal meaning but just as much as a yoga practitioner, or a zen-budhist in his zazen.
The place you see is a traditional climbing spot on the surrounds of Curitiba. That´s where people come on weekends to climb; from a newbie, who don´t even have the proper shoes, - and in this case they climb the route where the girl is - to an experienced climber who wants to try the harder he can - and try the route you can see on the very edge of the overhanging cliff you see when spinning to the left. And, last but not least, to hang out with friends who share this very same feeling about this sport.