Play space fence defines territory and protects from outside world.
The twins are separate and yet part of a family.
Photographs and information shield identity. We can't trust the larger community.
Environment reveals level of development, needs, and character of the community. Toys appropriate to year-old humans. No objects that could cause choking. No sharp or brittle objects that could hurt bodies. Toys are teaching aids to prepare twins to mature and become part of a larger community. Toys help growth. Toy choices reveal the culture of the family.
The twins sometimes cooperate, sometimes like leaning back-to-back or being near to each other; sometimes take out their frustrations by fighting. They inevitably influence each other. Baby A learned to stack blocks and the other is still trying. Baby B crawled first and the other followed. Sometimes they break into a chant, sounding "Ahhh", looking into each other's eyes and the eyes of anyone else who joins the group. Community is a shared pleasure.
USA / USA-Florida
GPS location unavailable (not recorded, no physical location depicted or intentionally suppressed)
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