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Duke's (prince-bishop) garden, Cetinje, Montenegro.
The little church (chapel, with the bell-tower type "spinning frame"), we see in direction of the sun on the panorama, is placed on the mound in the middle of the field and and is called The Churc of Chipur or just the Chipur (Ćipur). The name comes from the Greek one - "kipur" which means garden, backyard. The field and the location retained this name for centuries although it later got the other – slavic name Vladičina bašta (Duke's garden).By the year of 1485, Ivan Crnojević built here the monastery (see 3D reconstruction) and the palace, and as a consequence the year was taken as an official date of founding the town of Cetinje. Instead of the little church tree used to be a manastery with the printing house. In the north, we can see the new – renovated Monastery of Cetinje (with the «four-sided figure» bell-tower) which was built on the foundations of ruined palace (about 1700).
This location is placed near the main town's square. The red edifice (which we see in the background) has been turned into the museum.
Cetinje was named after the subteranean river Cetina which used to flow trought the place that we can see now as an asphalted parking lot. It is known that the river was there the same time as the first monastery. Although the river disappeared (sank into the subteranean passages or emerged somewhere else) due to frequent earthquaqes for sure, the town is still known by the same name.
Thanks Sandra for translation and Dejo for edit sound.
Europe / Serbia and Montenegro
Lat: 42° 23' 9.6" N
Long: 18° 55' 35.49" E
Elevation: 560
Precision is: High. Pinpoints the exact spot.
Vladičina bašta, Cetinje, Crna Gora
Mala crkva (kapela, sa zvonikom na preslicu), koju vidimo u pravcu sunca na panorami, a nalazi se na malom uzvišenju u sredini polja, naziva se Crkva na Ćipuru odnosno samo Ćipur. Ime joj potiče od grčke riječi "kipur" sa značenjem bašta, vrt... Cijelo polje i lokacija je i do danas zadržalo to ime i zove se Vladičina bašta.
Na ovom prelijepom mijestu je Ivan Crnojević 1485. podigao manastir ( pogledaj 3D rekonstrukciju ) i dvor, pa se ta godina uzima za godinu osnivana Cetinja. Na lokaciji male crkve bio je stari manastir sa štamparijom. Sjeverno se vidi (sa četvrtastom kulom zvonarom) novi – obnovljeni Cetinjski manastir na temeljima srušenog dvora (oko 1700).
Ova lokacija se nalazi u neposrednoj blizini glavnog gradskog trga. Crvena zgrada (vidimo je u drugom planu neposredno do male crkve) danas je muzej.
Cetinje je dobilo ime po kraškoj ponornici Cetini koja je proticala ondje gdje se sada vidi (asfaltirano) parkiralište, pouzdano se zna da je postojala u doba prvog manastira. Nestala je (potonula i vijerovatno izbila na nekom drugom mijestu) najvrijerovatnije u nekom od čestih zemljotresa, ali je grad i danas zadržao to ime.
Hvala Sandri za prevod i Deju za "mix" tona.