© 2005 Elizabeth Gentile, All Rights Reserved.
On the golf course water adds beauty to and defines the hole and gives it character. As we admire it we also must beware and not forget that water is a hazard. It can swallow our golf balls, stealing them from our sight, indiscriminately and mercilessly raising our scores in the process. We are all victims of its playful ways, the good and the bad. It makes no difference to the Water what your handicap may be - only good shots and lucky shots escape its insatiable appetite. Yes, look how beautiful and peaceful it appears... the unwary are beguiled by Water but all will fall victim to it eventually - never to be charmed again by its soothing disguise.
Ah, Wee Burn, you'll not get me again! Off to practice I go!
Nikon Capture, Photoshop, Realviz Stitcher, CubicConverter, QTPro and VRPrep