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(January 1 – March 31, 2021)

Brian Raines

Rising up above the creek

Chiara Masiero Sgrinzatto

Acqua Granda

Fondamenta della Misericordia, Venezia, IT

March 2021

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© 2021 Chiara Masiero Sgrinzatto, Some Rights Reserved. Creative Commons License


My home is located 100 cm above the sea level (the entrance only, I live at the first floor!). When the tide rises it happens it going to get flooded, and we must wear plastic boots to walk.

in this panorama i drew 3 levels the water can reach, there are critical for me and for the citizens of Venice. From the darkest to pale blue-green:

  • 30 cm above the seal level - the tide when I got the snapshot
  • 110 cm above the sea level - the level of the flooring facing the canal. During early 2000s the City of Venice did huge works to rise, when possible, the flooring to this level http://smu.insula.it/index.php@lang=en.html
  • 140 cm above the sea level - when the MOsE barriers are being activated https://www.mosevenezia.eu/?lang=en
  • 187 cm above the sea level - the level the tide reached on 12th November 2019, the second-highest tide ever (Acqua Granda). the MOsE was not working that horrible night.

The audio file is the alarm you can hear when an exceptional high tide is coming https://www.comune.venezia.it/it/content/sirene-allertamento-acqua-alta


Hand-drawn panorama, made with Adobe Fresco on the iPad Pro

Due to Covid -19 restrictions I couldn't draw from scratch outside my home. I took a snapshot with the Kandao Qoocam 8k and i traced it

PLEASE RESPECT THE ARTIST’S WORK. All images are copyright by the individual photographers, unless stated otherwise. Use in any way other than viewing on this web site is prohibited unless permission is obtained from the individual photographer. If you're interested in using a panorama, be it for non-profit or commercial purposes, please contact the individual photographer. The WWP can neither negotiate for, nor speak on behalf of its participants. The overall site is copyright by the World Wide Panorama Foundation, a California Public Benefit Corporation. Webdesign © by Martin Geier www.geiervisuell.com