My home is located 100 cm above the sea level (the entrance only, I live at the first floor!). When the tide rises it happens it going to get flooded, and we must wear plastic boots to walk.
in this panorama i drew 3 levels the water can reach, there are critical for me and for the citizens of Venice. From the darkest to pale blue-green:
30 cm above the seal level - the tide when I got the snapshot
110 cm above the sea level - the level of the flooring facing the canal. During early 2000s the City of Venice did huge works to rise, when possible, the flooring to this level
- 140 cm above the sea level - when the MOsE barriers are being activated
187 cm above the sea level - the level the tide reached on 12th November 2019, the second-highest tide ever (Acqua Granda). the MOsE was not working that horrible night.
The audio file is the alarm you can hear when an exceptional high tide is coming
Lat: 45° 26' 42.134" N
Long: 12° 19' 49.007" E
Precision is: High. Pinpoints the exact spot.
Hand-drawn panorama, made with Adobe Fresco on the iPad Pro
Due to Covid -19 restrictions I couldn't draw from scratch outside my home. I took a snapshot with the Kandao Qoocam 8k and i traced it