It is hard to appreciate education 100 years ago, where children were lucky to remain at school beyond 12 or 13 years, where often one teacher would service more than one school because of remoteness. Schooling would come to an abrupt halt once haymaking started as it was a case of “all hands to the wheel” to beat weather or other concerns far more imperative than ABC’s.
Conditions for teachers too were world apart from today, they were expected to sweep the classroom floor daily, “swab” it weekly, and after a 10-hour day were allowed to read a “good book” such as the Bible. Dress code was strict in the extreme….all these can be seen by visiting the old schoolroom at Whangarei Heritage Park, Maunu, Whangarei. Half of this panorama is by permission of Kiwi North- check them out.
Today education is not only for children but adults of all ages are encouraged through the concept of “life-long-learning”, and the technology has changed out of all recognition with e-learning, portable devices of all sorts…..but that brings us back to 1890 again, check out the desks and see that they have a slot built in for their “s-pads” (slates)….perhaps we are not so far removed from them as we thought?
Kamo High School computer learning centre courtesy of Kamo High School- check them out at
Australia - New Zealand / New Zealand
Lat: 36° 45' 33.13" S
Long: 174° 16' 22.58" E
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