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Akademia Morska Gdynia Wydział Nawigacyjny Katedra Eksploatacja Statku wnkes@am.gdynia.pl
Wywiad dla telewizji TVN24 www.expedycja.pl
Google translation:
On behalf of the Maritime Academy in Gdynia EXPEDYCJA.PL rebuilds car company Toyota Tundra, which is a model of a functional prototype of an integrated system of diagnosis communication and coordination actions in life-threatening situations in areas of water and during natural disasters. Reconstruction is carried out under a development project funded by the number 0008/R/T00/2010/2011 National Centre for Research and Development "mobile command system, surveillance, reconnaissance and communications" by a consortium formed by the Maritime Academy in Gdynia, AMZ Kutno, SPRINT SA Automotive and Industrial Institute. Gdynia Maritime Academy, a project coordinator for the implementation of reconstruction and equipment of the Company engaged EXPEDYCJA.PL as the most experienced and the innovation systems in the field OFF-ROAD. In principle, the car will have two functions: a floating and amphibious off-road vehicle and its advantage is to be rapid transformation from a tactical amphibious off-road vehicle.
In cooperation EXPEDYCJI.PL and Gdynia Maritime University, over the past few months, carried out, preceded by a numerical study, the design of advanced technology solutions, completed construction of a conceptual boundary RESCUE VEHICLE AND INLAND.
Examples of solutions used in the vehicle are: the pneumatic system, aeration major mechanical and electrical systems, high bilge pumps, waterproof curtain, lift 10 inch, 38 inch wheels and lightweight flotation tanks and systems: positioning, radar - radar for air-lift, infrared camera, underwater detection systems, an additional regulator and track Mattracks American company, the integration of electronic systems company cooperates EC Electronics - Kraków. Work on the unit still ongoing, preliminary testing confirms the expected capabilities of the vehicle. Verified buoyancy and stability of the vehicle in real conditions. In the second stage will be carried out assembly and test drive the water to the open waters, and the verification of all systems under operating conditions, inter alia, in cooperation with the Maritime Search and Rescue.
Gdynia Maritime University Faculty of Navigation Department of Ship Operation wnkes@am.gdynia.pl
TVN24 TV interview www.expedycja.pl