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(March 16-25, 2012)

Yischon Liaw

Urban Garden Path

John Leith

Path to the Broch

Between Birsay and the Broch of Birsay, Orkney, Scotland, UK

March 22, 2012, 15:20 UTC (15:20 local)

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© 2012 John Leith, Some Rights Reserved. Creative Commons License

This is the path between the Broch of Birsay and the Orkney Mainland. It is only available at low tide since high tide covers it. At this time of the year it has been covered in green weed but it will be cleaned before too many more people come to visit.

On either side of the path are tidal pools and it can be fascinating to explore these pools and the wildlife they contain.
Canon 500D, Nodal Ninja, Velbon Sherpa 550R Tripod

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