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(March 18-27, 2011)

aleksandar janicijevic

Plaza de Dolores

Michael Hundrieser

Limited Amount of Energy

Hamburg, Germany

March 22, 2011

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© 2011 Michael Hundrieser, All Rights Reserved.

A solar-panel field.

The actual discussion of this technology shows the limit of these:
— energy is produced only when the sun shines
— limited by the amount of solar-panels
— limited by the efficiency factor
— limited by the construction and obstruction

Some of these limitation can be easily overcome in our area—but we don´t have too much sunshine though. That does not prevent thousands of investors (private and citizen cooperatives) to build one solar field after another. Since they get guaranteed money for every KWh they produce—the ROI is app. 8-10 years.

You also have limited access to these fields—lots of panels have been stolen in the past—so to secure them costs quite a lot.

This field is owned by a citizen cooperation and operated by Aldra–Solar.
Canon 5 D / Tokina 10-17mm @ 10mm / Sieth pole at approx. 5m height.

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