© 2010 Michael Hundrieser, All Rights Reserved.
The original "Berlin Wall" surrounded by a construction wall.
That gives a view to the Wall through another wall.
Image was taken at the monument place of the Berlin Wall, formerly East Berlin.
Since there are constructions around, it was not possible to enter the monument at all.
We tried all the way around - no way, the wall was completely isolated by the construction fence, interesting coherency.
(Only this part though, other parts where open to the public as usual).
Another "institution" is seen, the "Mauercafe" (Wallcafe), a place that takes "advantage" from the wall, like many others places today.
There is plenty of constructions seen - in the "West Part." In the Eastern Part some old buildings can still be seen among the new houses.
The few new buildings are a hotel and a restaurant, old houses are flats.
The old houses get renovated step by step and make real nice apartment houses with nice flats though.
The weather really fit to the situation - grey, windy, cold.
Tokina ATX 10-17mm @ 12mm