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The diversity of purposes are surpassed by the diversity of skills required for the construction and engineering of the aircraft, and the reasons for the flight: from purely recreational aircraft here represented by the tiny red hang glider, held up by wind and thermals alone - to the black American Locheed U2 supersonic spy aircraft used by the USA for photographing the USSR's military installations from heights unreachable for by Soviet missiles. In May 1960, a U2 was indeed shot down over Russia on its way from Pakistan to Bodø (where it was based), and the pilot was sentenced to years in prison.
In between these purposes are of course are all of the civil commercial aircraft and helicopters, some made for passenger traffic, or custom built for more specific tasks, with the ability to land on different surfaces: water, snow, grass or concrete/asphalt.
This panorama was made in the Norwegian Aviation Museum located in Bodø.
Lat: 67° 16' 31" N
Long: 14° 24' 51" E
Elevation: 40
Precision is: High. Pinpoints the exact spot.