After an extremely long and cold winter Spring is approaching, but very slowly indeed. We are still awaiting the cherry blossom. After the grey and white of Winter I was searching for the fresh colours of all those flowers at the market stalls of our Cathedral market. But then I came along this one.
Neatly aligned in rows and marked with small nameplates there were more than 200 different kinds of herbs on this stall. You can buy them here and plant them in your garden at home.
For example, you can buy 30 different kinds of mint: Peppermint (Mentha piperita), Nanamint (Mentha spicata var. crispa) that originally comes from Morocco, Orange Mint (Mentha piperita var. citrata)...: In the nursery this stall belongs to, they are growing more than 350 different
kinds of herbs.
A German market at this time of the year is of course not nearly as lively as a Mediterranean market. But just when I finished the photos and started to record the sound of the place a group of Italian tourists came along and Voilà! this has become a lively recording, hasn't it?
But back to the original question: Do I need tarragon? Yes – from time to time.
It is essential for the preparation of Sauce béarnaise (
recipe here). This sauce is perfect for roasted meats, potatoes and fish.