© 2007 Bruce Hemming, All Rights Reserved.
Smoking was once regarded as glamorous and even healthy but now is about as socially acceptable as ignoring personal hygene. The smoker is banned to attractive spots like this one to indulge in their guilty pleasure.
Of course for those of us who don't, or gave up a long time ago, the atmosphere can be rather more pleasant in most venues and we can feel smugly superior and pity the poor fool addicted to nicotine.
A load of personal freedom issues went out the window when we banned smokers from our workplaces etc and our governments are more than a little hypocritical as we still sell tobacco to developing nations for vast profits.
Those of you who are struggling giving up the weed have my sympathy, as do the partners of ex/quitting smokers. I had hoped to add a soundtrack to this pano but copyright issues prevented that, so if you can find a copy put on Merle Travis' Smoke, Smoke, Smoke that Cigarette, sit back and smoke them if you got them!
My wife has now not smoked 20,000 cigarettes and still drives me nuts about it - pass me that bottle someone!
Lat: 51° 8' 3" N
Long: 0° 16' 3" E
Precision is: Medium. Nearby, but not to the last decimal.