© 2007 aleksandar janicijevic, All Rights Reserved.
Zigzagging around historical sites, such as Old City Hall and Holy Trinity Church, the Eaton Centre has indeed woven itself into the urban fabric. In winter months, together with a whole network of interconnecting underground spaces, the 10-kilometer labyrinth of pathways linking office buildings, hotels, entertainment and shopping, also serves as a social space with a pleasant atmosphere, protected from the elements. Even though it is more comfortable than any other shopping mall in the city, it is not as poetic as some other public spaces in Toronto. It lacks visible heritage connections as well as a better link with the surrounding outside space. To see more VR panoramas of urban spaces in Toronto and all over the world visit my website: http://urbansquares.com.
Lat: 43° 39' 12.17" N
Long: 80° 23' 48.17" W
Elevation: 68 m
Precision is: High. Pinpoints the exact spot.
Eaton Centar je jedan od retkih prostora u centru Toronta koji ima nekakvu atmosferu, i primeran gradski ambijent. Centar je dugacak cak dva cela gradska bloka i jedan je od najboljih trznih prostora u Torontu. Izgradjen je u dve faze 1977 i 1979 godine. Utkao se vrlo lepo u gradsko tkivo grada izmedju gradske kuce i stare crkve Svetog Trojstva. U zimskim mesecima, zajedno sa citavom mrezom medjusobno povezanih podzemnih prostora, ovaj 10 kilometarski lavirint povezuje mnoge poslovne zgrade, hotele, zabavne i druge sadrzaje, Eaton Centar, zasticen od uticaja vremenskih prilika, sluzi i kao prostor sa veoma lepom atmosferom za drustvene kontakte. Iako je prijatniji od drugih trznih centara u gradu nije ipak tako poetican kao neki drugi javni prostori. Nedostaju mu bolje veze sa okolnim istoriskim objektima i uopste spoljasnjim prostorom. Vise VR panorama u Torontu a takodje i drugde sirom sveta mozete videti na mom vebsajtu: http://urbansquares.com