The Emeryville Public Market is a market place by name, and nature. It is a place where you can get lunch or dinner from any country you want for USD 5-7. It is amazing how many different cuisines there are packed in this warehouse type building.
To list a few:
- Japanese
- Chinese
- Thai
- Persian (actually they are Afghan)
- Greek
- Turkish
- Indian
- Italian
It's the kind of place where you walk in and you go:
"Oh, that looks nice." I think I will go there, but as you advance, you go:
"Hmm - That looks good too." And then:
"Oooh! Even better!" etc. You end up having 10 different places you really want to go to, but only getting to choose one.
From looking at this panorama, you can't really get a correct sense of how big the room is, so you will have to just take my word for it. It's about 2 times as big as what you see in the panorama.
Big or small, it is definitely a market place.