© 2013 John E Schwarzell, All Rights Reserved.
Ohio is the home of the black walnut tree. This tree grows to be 70' tall by 70' wide in open space and has a very deep taproot system that also disperses a chemical into the soil that is toxic to most undergrowth. Black walnut is a predatory invading species taking over cut-over woodlands and open fields rapidly and with ease. It's messy all year long, dropping it's leaves when it's cold and shedding tons of dead twigs, large corrugated hand-staining fruit and squirrel feeding debris. You can spot it easily by it's signature diamondback bark formation. On the other hand it provides loads of shade, it's kernels are highly nutritious, and it makes for great gun stocks and medium weight furniture. Go figure.
Lat: 40° 3' 50.4" N
Long: 84° 3' 24" W
Elevation: 775 ft
Precision is: Medium. Nearby, but not to the last decimal.