© 2013 Gabi Haindl, All Rights Reserved.
The Longest Parade of Electric Vehicles
Officialy accepted for the world record: 305 electric cars!A lot more gathered for the parade. An amazing collection of different electric cars, from old ones to new ones and even prototypes. The organizers counted 388 electric cars passing the starting line, but not all have been accepted for the world record. Sadly all the Twikes have been classified as hybrids, human-electric ones!
The attempt to break the old world record, (255 electric cars, organised by Nissan at the Silverstone Circuit on November 24, 2012) was part of the WAVE Trophy 2013 and the Züri Fäscht.
For the panorama of the convoy, I used a break caused by "the longest electric traffic jam" near the turning point of the parade. All cars you can see on the panorama are electric ones!
Some more panoramas I made are from the two hours before the parade: Lining up for the parade and waiting for the start. It was really amazing to see all the different types of cars and their drivers.