© 2011 Marcin Mróz, All Rights Reserved.
Przy projekcie pracowali: Pablo i Adam.
Pojazd przerobiony z Forda Bronco.
Sezon 2012 udział w najważniejszych imprezach 4x4 w kraju.
Więcej na http://expedycja.pl i http://remx.pl
Google translation:
It's an unusual implementation. Execution of advertising on the car for 4x4 and More Ledhidera along with painting the car. "Colours of war" made by airbrush and acrylic finish klare. On behalf of Ledhidera vehicle is equipped with 27W LEDs work lamps and reflectors far-reaching from the lighting of Red Verge Ledhider 4 inches. In the car since last season, working two 4x4 More winch PRO 12000.
Worked on the project: Pablo and Adam.
Vehicle is converted from Ford Bronco.
Season 2012 participated in major events 4x4 in the country.
More info: http://expedycja.pl and http://remx.pl (Polish only)