© 2009 Bernd Dohrmann, All Rights Reserved.
The current speed is 320 km/h, pull the pilot stick continuously, the centrifugal force increases and with a 4G acceleration you are going up to the most famous sequence in the acrobatic flight as you start the loop.
When lifting off, hold the side rudder up and suddenly the world is going upside down.
2Gs are acting on you when the pano was taken. Current airspeed is 250 km/h. Lower the pilot stick and you nearly feel weightless when going down. Then pull the stick once again and the flight is going straight as if nothing had happened. ;-)
Lat: 53° 3' 28.74" N
Long: 8° 23' 48.97" E
Elevation: 1000
Precision is: Unknown / Undeclared.
Canon 400D - Sigma 8mm f/3.5 - cable release
homemade bracket on a central pillar from a tripod
Adobe Raw Converter 4.3 - Photoshop CS2 - PTGui - Pano2QTVR