The park has preserved the romantic flavour of an era gone by. The Marques was a descendant of a family established in Cuba and wanted to have in Baix Camp the exotic flavour of the lost colony. He commissioned the Botanic Garden to Don Jose Fontsere y Mestres, who had created the Park of la Ciudadela in Barcelona and was assisted by Antonio Gaudi in the construction of the Great Waterfall.
Sama Park is in the country of Baix Camp between Cambrils and Montbrio del Camp and it is about 5km from the coast. It is surrounded by fields of hazelnut, almond, peach and olive trees and vineyards. The walled 14 hectare park also contains hundreds of species of exotic trees, has a great variety of exotic plants and the Mansion House has an enormous collection of books and works of art.
Nikon FC-E8 Fisheye lens
"P" setting, AE-Lock
Velbon 600 tripod
Home made Panohead
Adapted laser level head for fine levelling
PTGUI for assembling the Panorama