© 2005 Patrick Cheatham, All Rights Reserved.
I currently live in the San Francisco Bay Area, but I grew up in the American South, and I gotta tell you that I really miss Southern cooking -- especially barbecue and salty, simmered greens. Kay showed me a little slice of heaven right there on York Lane in Savannah. Thanks Kay!
Mom, I'm sorry, but the greens at Wall's may top your own :-)
Matthew Rogers sits sipping a ginger ale at the end of our lunch excursion, waiting for me to finish shooting. The other two gentlemen kindly put up with the four of us, all with cameras and tripods in hand.
Matt let me try out his 360Precision tripod head, with a Fuji S2. This was my first panorama shot with that head and camera combination. Granted, I didn't spend a lot of time with set-up, lighting or color calibration, so it's not my "best" panorama ever -- but I'm absolutely pleased with the result, and am glad for the pictorial memento of my visit to Savannah and to Wall's.