© 2005 Kat Bennett, All Rights Reserved.
In the interim months Landis and I started hiking every weekend six miles or more and running on a treadmill as often as possible. Landis is a great runner, I however needed help, he trained me to run a mile in ten minutes. It really helped for endurance on long upward trails.
The trail to the top of Mount Whitney from Whitney Portal is eleven miles one way and fairly well travelled. You need a permit from the forest service to hike it. You also need, or should, carry with you a water filtering device to keep hydrated.
A month before the Big Hike, Landis and I went to Round Top in the northern Sierra with a friend. It was a test hike at altitude, 10,580 feet, to help us get ready. It was on that hike that Landis made me promise that I would take the camera and make it to the top of Whitney come what may.
I submit this pano of the top of Mount Whitney as my personal best effort. For a better part of a year it was a goal that brought out the best in me. I went outside every weekend, I went to the gym three or four times a week and I accomplished something I never really thought possible for me.
Lat: 36° 34' 42.9" N
Long: 119° 18' 32.2" W
Elevation: 14,497ft
Precision is: Unknown / Undeclared.