Hillcrest Park is one of the most visited scenic lookouts in our city. Across the bay is Thunder Cape, on which, the mountain range (seen from this vantage) looks like a human figure laying on its back. Citizens refer to this mountain range as "The Sleeping Giant", but the mountains have been given other names as well, namely
"Nanabijou" - the Ojibway name for "Spirit of the Deep Sea Water". Its not hard to imagine how such a majestic view could affect anyone who sees it.
I am very grateful to the World Wide Panorama Project for opening this event up to a "Best Of" collection for 2005. While the majesty of this view of Thunder Bay never diminishes throughout the year, our winters are long and cold and I would much rather portray our city in the sunshine and warmth than in
the cool blue tones of winter. With the variations in geography, forests, and civilizations, panography is, in my opinion, the best method to demonstrate the beauty Thunder Bay has to offer.
Hillcrest Park is located in the northern half of our city which used to be known as "Port Arthur" prior to the amalgamation with "Fort William" January 1, 1970.
Note: This photo is only a 3/4 circle and not a full 360º.